The scenery in this is really beautiful. I can't put my finger on it. Something veryyy.... comfortable about it. Awesome work!
The scenery in this is really beautiful. I can't put my finger on it. Something veryyy.... comfortable about it. Awesome work!
That's nice, thank you! I'm glad you like it :)
I don't recall the curved banana mags being used on the scar H. The scar heavy has the larger magwell and boxier straight mags to they not? Whilst the scar light has the smaller 5.56 banana mags.
i actually made both magz for it
i just haven't textured that one yet
although that was a good feedback u just gave me . i never gave this much thought maybe i should
tnx dude
Hey, awesome work. Those are super well done!
//nudging to post that recent LoL drawing you did//
Thanks man. I'm not too sure if I should post it...maybe...
Absolutely awesome work. This needs to be frontpaged!
One can dream! Thank you very much!
ACK. I have a weakness for Celtic knot designs. Very well done!
Thank you :) I appreciate it. :D
As a kid, creatures with limps that ended in points were the creepiest damned things to me... Love the sketchyness and all around creepy!
Thank you sooo much! Means a lot to me:) this is definitely the kind of drawings/creature designs I like to draw most so I'm glad you dig this dude! He's one of my favorites!
I mean.... Lineart still better than mine....
You'll get there one day kiddo :)
I personally love the red one! :D
I liked that one too! Should I delete the rest of these? Lol
His name doesn't happen to be Rad McKickflip does it?
Dylan Rad "Radical" McKickflip Surferstein actually. Thanks for the high score :)
Please finish it.... PLEEEEEEASE!
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